Last year the competition was intense, with tears marking the finale and the winning team. This annual event is so important to AFE’s children because it is one of the only opportunities they have to dance and express themselves in this way. In Honduras, Christians do not dance, unless it is unto the Lord. And it is easy to understand why. In a sub-culture of generations trapped in garbage-dump poverty, most dancing is associated with drunken parties that last though out the night and the huge mistakes that ch
ange the course of a person’s life during these parties.
But this dancing was quite different. It was done with joy and pride in oneself, pride in the person they are, pride in the person they are becoming. The weeks and weeks of practice leading up to this event were grueling, but well worth it. During the practice time leading up to the competition AFE’s children learned to work hard even though they were tired, to persevere when they wanted to give up, and to see the beautiful reward from their efforts.
Three different teams performed two dances, and in the end everyone was a winner. The prize included the important discipleship that happened during the training. One team was entitled “New Generation,” and in effect it was. These young men (and one young woman) gave vision to the future leadership of AFE. The group, “Extreme Power” danced about how they will never return to the garbage dump, and “Ecc 11:19” showed the confidence they gained to each dance solo in front of a packed assembly hall.
Stay tuned for a video of these great dances! We can’t wait to see what comes of this competition in the coming years.