
Friday, May 18, 2012

From Their Perspective

A big part of what makes the ministry at AFE possible is the many teams that come to participate in the miracle of GOD rescuing these wonderful children. We recently had a team of NINE AMERICANS come down for such an experience and we thought it would be great for you, our readers, to hear a first-hand account of what goes on.

MISSION TRIP [MAY 8-14 2012]
I wanted to write to you to tell you all about our experience in HONDURAS. There is too much to tell in one short email, so to keep this short and simple, I will point out some visible and invisible things that happened.

-   We taught classes to all grades for two days.  This included Bible stories, learning how to start a business, and doing dissection of cow body parts in biology. 
-   We put a fresh coat of paint on three of the school buildings.
-   We helped host a Mother’s Day lunch at the AFE School for the moms living in or around the garbage dump for about 110 moms.  We helped host a Mother’s Day breakfast for about 60 moms at the church where Jeony is a Pastor.  He told us this was the only Mother’s Day celebration most of the moms would have.
-   We hugged about 1,000 kids and many moms.  We prayed with many moms and children with special needs.

-   Our lives were changed by God as a result of seeing extreme poverty up close.
-   Our lives were enhanced and challenged by those who serve at AFE…both Hondurans and U. S. missionaries. 
-   We witnessed God meet human needs in many miraculous ways. 
-   For many on the team - found some clarity and direction in exploring God's calling on their life. 
-   Tested and stretched ourselves in scary situations.
-   As a group, we learned the importance in being a small part of God's larger plan of changing individuals, families, and a community. 
-   We developed life-long friendships with others on the team.
-   Gained some insight into some Bible verses such as:   
§  "You can do nothing without (Jesus) me." [JOHN 15:5]
§  “You can do all things in Christ." [PHILIPPIANS 4:13]
§  "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain.” [PHILIPPIANS 1:21]

We want to thank our families, our church family, and friends for you LOVE, SUPPORT, and PRAYERS.

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